image 10 Reasons That You Need to Drink Black Vinegar



10 Reasons That You Need to Drink Black Vinegar



1.Prevention of cataract, cancer and liver disease

Organic acids in Black Vinegar boost metabolism, destroy free radicals, and promote the absorption of calcium. Citric acid, one type of organic acids in Black Vinegar, helps utilizing oxygen in our body, resulting an elimination of unwanted substances from the body. One of the easiest ways to get citric acid is drinking vinegar.


Picture52. Amino Acids protect and disinfect the wall of the stomach.

Vinegar has a better disinfecting ability than salt or soy sauce. This is one of the reasons that vinegar is commonly used for sushi or Bento during summer time since it prevents the decomposition. Also, vinegar is effective for eliminating the germs causing athlete’s foot and bad breath.


3. Natural Disinfector

Black Vinegar promotes a consumption of nutrients in the body. It burns excessive sugar or glycogen and improves the function of intestines.

Black vinegar kills harmful germs in the intestines and heals an anal fissure by improving the intestinal environment.


4. Excellent fatigue eliminator

Lactic acids combine with protein and causes a hardening of muscles. When you do an extreme sport or workout, a lot of lactic acid is produced and this could lead to a shoulder muscle pain, gout, or arthritis. Organic acids in Black Vinegar break down lactic acids into the water and gases and you can easily get rid of fatigue.



5. Protects Vitamin C

Vitamin C should be consumed daily as it cannot be produced or stored in our body. Vitamin C can be found in fruits and vegetables. However, as it is vulnerable to heat and unstable, there is a limitation for a storage and cooking method.

Black Vinegar protects Vitamin C and doubles its benefits. Black Vinegar promotes the absorption of carbohydrates and protein from vegetables, rice or beans and calcium, iron and minerals from algae.



6. Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases

Organic acids in Black Vinegar protect arteries.

Drinking Black Vinegar increases the level of “good cholesterol”, making blood vessels healthy. It also lowers the viscosity of the blood, resulting a lower blood pressure.



7.Anti-aging the White Blood Cells

Black Vinegar has a great anti-viral ability. When our body is lack of a little bit of organic acids, the immune system can be dramatically weakened. If you drink Black Vinegar regularly, the glutathione level increases by 50% and makes the white blood cells stronger and younger, resulting a stronger immune system.



9. Prevention of Gum Bleeding

Black Vinegar prevents the free radicals which cause a damage to gums.

Organic acids contain a lot of Vitamin C and this helps preventing gum diseases. Gum bleeding or infection could happen 3.5 more times to the person who is lack of organic acids.



10. Good for Eczema

Organic acids in the Black Vinegar detox intestines. As the condition of the skin is highly related to the health of the intestines, drinking a cup of Black Vinegar helps improving and healing the eczema and other skin problems.


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