image Apple Cider vs. Black Vinegar (Part 1)

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Many people in the U.S. have been exposed to the magical powers of ACV but have rarely heard of Brown Rice Vinegar. Personally, I have tried ACV but I have made a switch to Black Vinegar.


I’ve gathered and done some research (albeit not exhaustive and thorough as that would take years) but it’s interesting. And it was enough for me to switch to a more transparent company. I had to do a separate research to find Kakuida Black Vinegar as well. (There are so many black vinegars that call themselves BV without the actually quality).

What I have found so far in differences:

1.) Ingredients: 

I place a lot of importance in ingredients used in my food. Where do they get their apples from? How were they grown? What orchard? Upon further research, I’ve learned that there was no standard that could be used to define Apple Cider Vinegar as ACV. It could hold 0.1% of ACV and still be called ACV. So it made me wonder, perhaps all the heath benefits touted was not true.

2.) How it is Made:

Once I have heard that there is the possibility of arsenic in ACV because of the seeds. I wondered exactly how it was processed. Though copious amounts have to be drunk to actually be poisoned, I did not feel comfortable with the thought that perhaps even a bit could do harm. I mean, how can you really be certain that every single seed was taken out? How was it processed and fermented? I could not find anything regarding those questions.

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