image How to De-age 10 Years with Black Vinegar


Aging might be most people’s concern. Looking younger and beautiful had been always a great interest since ancient times. These days, not only people take care of their look (beauty), but also take care of health. It is because that one’s beauty is highly related to the health.


When people think of healthy food, brown rice is usually on the list. Most people consume white rice instead of brown rice.

However, rice is like eating sugar. Most white food are not healthy at all. Most well-known examples would be white sugar, white rice, and white flour.

Models don’t eat any white food. For them, white food is like a poison. If you want to practice a ‘well-aging’ as well as ‘de-aging,’ it is important that you avoid any white food and add brown rice to your daily meals.


Although you are eating some brown rice, if you don’t eat it regularly, there is a lower chance that you will feel the positive health and beauty effects of the brown rice.

The important tip is that you should consume it 3-4 times daily. Then, should you eat the brown rice every day? Well, it is very good that you eat the brown rice for each meal, but how can you eat it when you’re not home or any other places?


We have the answer. The answer is drinking the Black Vinegar. As you may know, Black Vinegar is naturally fermented vinegar made with brown rice. Our Kakuida Black Vinegar is at least fermented for 3 years, and made with only premium ingredients such as natural spring water, sustainably grown brown rice, and carefully selected yeast by an expert. By drinking the Black Vinegar, you can intake healthy nutrients from the brown rice whenever and wherever.


Unlike brown rice, white rice causes the addiction to carbohydrates and invokes many lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and many others.

Although the brown rice is much healthier than the white rice, people tend to prefer the white rice for 2 reasons:

1.Brown rice doesn’t taste so good

2.It takes too much time to cook.



However, the Black Vinegar has only the pros of the brown rice. You can absorb the nutrients of the brown rice (actually it’s better than just eating the brown rice because the Black Vinegar is a fermented food and our Black Vinegar is fermented for 3 years so the nutrients are richer and have stronger properties). Moreover, you don’t need to cook and you can take it anywhere you go.



Black Vinegar is very popular, especially in Japan and South Korea. Japanese and Korean drink Black Vinegar regularly and it has become a must-have health food for looking younger and healthy.

Most people drink it after each meal, during and after a workout, and whenever they feel like to keep them energized, focused and refresh.


Black Vinegar is called “the king of vinegars,” for its amazing health benefits and rich amount of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Wonderful health effects of the Black Vinegar are mainly derived from the brown rice. Since brown rice has a husk which contains fiber, it eases a bowel movement and improves constipation. It also makes you feel full with a small amount so it is effective for diet. Moreover, an embryo bud of the brown rice contains anti-oxidants called tocopherol and this helps to lower a blood sugar level.



In general, if you consider the glucose level right after a meal is 100%, the level of eating the white rice is 70~79% and that of the brown rice is about 60%.

If you have diabetes or/and hypertension, it is highly recommended that you eat the brown rice and something like Black Vinegar regularly.


Dr. Hans Adolf Krebs, the vinegar researcher who won the Nobel Price, says, “If you drink 100mg of vinegar every day, a man will live 10 years longer and a woman will live 20 years longer.”

Kagoshima, the birthplace of the Black Vinegar and where Kakuida Vinegar is made, is famous for its Black Vinegar which has x3 minerals, x10 of essential amino acids due to a traditional method, selected ingredients and mild climate.


Black Vinegar has amino acids, of which fruit vinegars don’t really have and rich amount of acetic acid, organic acid and minerals.

Amino acids which make up proteins improve the cerebral activities and are good for skin care and diet. It also activates the fat breaking enzyme lipase, lowering the cholesterol level.



It is good to drink the Black Vinegar 3 times a day, preferably after a meal. Just like any other health food, you will feel the difference when you eat it regularly and continuously.

However, it is not a good idea that you drink too much of Black Vinegar only because it is good for health. If you drink it with an empty stomach, it will likely cause some troubles so please avoid it.


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